The roles and responsibilities of a Municipality allow them to be leaders in the transition towards renewable electricity and a low-carbon future. They have a strong call to action, as their residents will experience the impacts of climate change. Municipalities across Canada have already demonstrated a variety of approaches to support renewable electricity and energy efficiency, which have not only proven that they are viable, but that they can lead to benefits such as cost savings, economic development, improved health, and increased livability.
"As a Municipality, you are a leader in the transition towards renewable electricity and a low carbon future"

Develop or Strengthen Your Community Energy Plan

Improve Your Municipality's Energy Efficiency

Adopt Electric Vehicles

Financial Help
Generate Renewable Energy!
Municipalities can take part in renewable electricity generation by developing their own projects. If your Municipality is interested in investing in renewable power, there are businesses out there to help! Kuby Energy and Energy Hub are examples of companies that can provide free quotes for solar projects.
Hover over the boxes below to read about your options as a Municipality.